
Andrej’s homepage

I’m Andrej Shadura, a software engineer, a free software and open source enthusiast. I work for , developing open-source software. I usually use nickname andrewsh.

Here’s my public PGP/GnuPG key: 0xE8446B4AC8C77261

I enjoy contributing to OpenStreetMap, helping in this endless struggle to keep the map and the reality in sync. Have a look at my contributions page to learn more about my OSM activities.

I’ve been a member of the project since 2013. In Debian, I maintain a bunch of packages, mostly those I use myself.

Find more about my employment history and other details in my curriculum vitæ. Please note I am not currently looking for a job.

In case you’re interested in my infrequently updated blog, you can find it here:

GitHub andrewshadura
GitLab andrewsh